Pommard in black and white

Here in the centre of the photo, you can see the Domaine du Château du Val de Mercy in Pommard.

I have always been aware that the location we had chosen for our wine estate was overflowing with history and I have therefore spent many hours searching for traces of this history. I have still yet to find out the year in which the house was built; however, in the meantime, here is an old postcard which allows us to imagine how it was in the past. Could it be that these walls have just as many stories to tell?

I promise to keep on searching and to keep you posted.

I do, for the time being, have one anecdote that one of the village elders let me in on and that I'd like to share with you.

In this building here, there was once a small grocer's shop and all the village children used to come here to buy sweets.... until next time!

Our winery and the marie de Pommard nowadays

Pommard in black and white

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