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The Domaine du Château du Val de Mercy
The Château du Val de Mercy is located in the Place de l‘Eglise square, just behind the church in the village of Val de Mercy, in a property which was historically the seat of the Baron de Coulanges.
Over several centuries the Château du Val de Mercy was continuously involved in the growing of Burgundy wines. The Domaine was particularly known for a white wine produced near the village of Val de Mercy in an area, or ‘climat’ called ‘Pommard’. This white Pommard is not to be confused with the famous red Burgundy from Pommard in the Côte de Beaune appellation.
In historical documents we find proof that around 1680 the park of the Château was indeed planted as a vineyard going by the name of ‘Le Clos du Château’. Unfortunately, most of the old vines were destroyed in the late 19th century by the dreaded phylloxera, which forced an abrupt discontinuation of the wine production.
In 1992, the Château du Val de Mercy started rebuilding its wine production facilities. Some first vineyards were planted in the nearby hamlet of Nanteau producing an excellent Pinot Noir. Rapid expansion followed with the acquisition of a wine growing estate a few kilometres away in Chitry le Fort (Canton de Chablis).
This estate, housing all the necessary technical production facilities and some 30 ha of producing vineyards, was to become what is known today as the Domaine du Château du Val de Mercy.
Two thirds of our vineyards are located in the Chablis appellation and the remaining third in the Auxerrois area.
In 2007 the Château du Val de Mercy acquired some additional vineyards in the Côte de Beaune area, in the villages of Pommard, Volnay and Auxey Duresses. Additional technical facilities have been installed in a historical property in the Place de l‘Eglise square in Pommard.
In the next few years it will at last be possible to enjoy an excellent Pommard produced by the Château du Val de Mercy again, but this time as a red wine from the Côte de Beaune area.

In the Château in Val de Mercy we have a centuries old wine cellar which offers an ideal climate for the oak barrels. On the left side you see oaks barrels holding our red wine Bourgogne Pinot Noir Coulanges-la-Vineuse from the Côte de Nanteau.